We strive to make custom printed gift-giving fast, easy and accurate.
We carry only the premium most ceramic coffee mugs, which are then customized according to your preferences. We ensure quality and accuracy before shipping them out to you or your special ones.
We ensure our customized coffee mugs are free of manufacturing errors or defects. If there are any quality problems, you can return it in its original packaging for a prompt exchange for the same item, or immediate full refund. Please note that personalized coffee mugs cannot be accepted for return, unless there is a manufacturing error or product defect. All refunds and exchanges must be made within 30 days of receipt.
We strive really hard for perfection but we do understand that mistakes can happen. Please thoroughly review your customization information and the mug mockup before placing your order. Check spelling, dates and names, also check margins, pixelation etc (if you are printing images on coffee mugs) carefully. You are welcome to email us at support@pgpcart.com if you have any queries about customization. Please note that we will not be able to accept cancellations or entertain changes to orders once they are placed, as they immediately are sent into production.
During the gifting season, which is the holiday season, we try our best to ensure your custom printed coffee mugs gifts will be delivered on time, but due to high volume and unexpected circumstances beyond our control there might be a slight delay in delivery of your order. Please note that no refunds can be issued for orders delayed (either shipping cost or merchandise value) for any unforeseen circumstance that may affect pgpcart.com or any of our carriers.


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